Learn how to strengthen your horses core
Transform Your Horse's Posture & Movement with Core Strengthening Exercises
• Your horse is stiff through their body?
• Struggles to work over their back?
• Your horse finds movements easier in one direction than the other
• Possibly even holding their head and neck to the outside of the circle?
• You are going through kissing spine rehabilitation?
• Or bringing your horse back into work?
• Weak core
• Lacking topline muscle
• Continual sore back
• Poor posture - hollow outline
• You are committed to improving your horse
• You would like to learn from a professional, HOW to do the core exercises EFFECTIVELY
• You would like your horse to be more comfortable, supple and strong in their back and core?
• You need to teach your horse to stretch down into long and low posture
• You would like your horse to be more symmetrical to ride?
• You would like to increase your competition scores?
Equine Posture
Learn all about why your horses posture is so important
Poor posture and crookedness are natural for the horse, so we need to work on these issues!
How to improve your horses posture through specific core engagement exercises
Core Mobilisation Exercises
Small exercises used to mobilise the core, back, pelvis and spine
Each of the 6 exercises that I use on a daily basis.
A description of each exercise, how to set up and do each exercise, plus a video to show you HOW to do the exercises.
PLUS all of my tips and tricks!
Core Activation Exercises
Better know as 'carrot stretch' exercises!
Use daily to switch on core muscles, and over time strengthen the core
PROVEN to increase the size of the multifidus muscles
All of the ways that your horse might be cheating! (spoiler alert - he WILL BE!)
I will explain for each of the exercises, what might happen, and how to correct and improve each exercise.
• You will start to improve your horses flexibility
• You will then start to improve their posture as they develop true core strength
• Your horse will go from hollow back to lifted, strong back as their core gets stronger
• He/she will start to lower their neck and use their body more fully in exercise, working over the back
• Lighten their forehand, by mobilising and strengthening the thoracic sling muscles with these exercises
• Your horse will become more symmetrical in their body, with more equal bend
• Your horse will be more comfortable to ride as their back and core becomes stronger
• Healthier, stronger and more flexible spine and back muscles
• Your horse will become more relaxed and more comfortable
• Easier to ride and lunge!
Train your horse to do these PROVEN core exercises, to improve their core strength, posture, symmetry, flexibility, rideability AND wellness!
10 minutes spent daily on these specific exercises that I teach can be transformational for your horse, in terms of improved posture, increased core strength, stronger back and core, improved topline muscle, more equal bend, more symmetrical body, more flexible, and much more comfortable in their body.
Learn about healthy posture in the horse, good vs bad posture, and how to assess your own horses posture
6 exercises to mobilise your horses body, including their thoracic sling, spine, core and pelvis
Using this set of PROVEN exercises daily is the most beneficial way you can improve your horse!
I will show you HOW to do the exercises, with Azuro, in video format!
All of my top tips are included, so you will be confident in applying the exercises straight away
And getting your technique right, along with how to manage 'cheating' in the horse, is all included!
Instant access to online course
Lessons & videos to help you get started today
Clear videos showing all exercises
Lifetime access to the course
You will have 'lifetime' access to the course! So no rush to go through it!
YES! The lessons and videos will set you up for success with your horse! And once you start doing them daily with your horse, you will get into the flow with them and be able to work out what adjustments you need to make.
Yes absolutely, these are the BEST exercises to do with a kissing spine horse. If your horse has just had surgery, check with your vet or physio about when you can start doing them.
YES! They are fantastic exercises for your horses body, and by adding these exercises into your horses routine, you are helping to prevent injury in the future. So in my opinion, ALL horses should do these exercises!
YES in most cases, these exercises will HELP your horse to become more supple, and stronger in the body, actually helping to support their degenerative joints. IF your horse has OA in the neck, consult your vet or physio.
Before exercise, to switch the core on and mobilise the body.
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