Equine Connection Mastery
6 week transformational programme
...Ready to UNLOCK the secrets to fall back in love with your horse and horse ownership, and make every day with your horse the ‘best day EVER’, no matter the circumstances!
...The skills, strategies and tools that professional riders and equestrians have to retrain your brain, and create a positive mindset so you can feel and be motivated, and excited to spend time with your horse every day, PLUS what I teach you inside you’ll learn how to apply to all areas of your life too!
And I will be teaching you the most effective body based connection exercises such as breathwork, grounding, presence, clearing, visualisations, that you can use in any moment, to bring your horses focus and connection back to you!
Some days you are motivated, and have a GREAT ride on your horse and are buzzing for the rest of the day!
Other days it feels like the biggest challenge to tack up, never mind actually getting on and riding…
You know you should keep taking steps towards your goals with your horse, but often don’t know how to move through the overwhelming and negative overthinking patterns that hold you back?
You know you need to be practising with your horse if things are ever going to get any better,
but you’re feeling fearful, stuck, overwhelmed, lacking confidence, filled with negative thoughts and feelings, and it’s all holding you back?
And it seems like your horse is picking up on all of this…switched off, not co-operating, disconnected from you?
You’re not currently trusting your horse OR YOURSELF,
and it’s showing up in difficult engagements and lack of forward progress, OR WORSE…difficult behaviour, can’t catch your horse, they don’t want to be with you…it can feel heartbreaking.
Start enjoying your horse again, get back to regular riding and fun activities, feeling motivated, positive about the future, making plans and
EXCITED to be with your horse!
... being able to enjoy every day with your horse, without rushing, feelings of overwhelm, fear, anxiety or stress getting in the way?
How would it feel to be in closer connection with your horse, so you’re working together in a relaxed, confident partnership?
And can you imagine how it would feel to experience the “best ride EVER” feeling every single day?!
How that would positively affect your mood, your life, your work, your relationships EVERY DAY?!
Group Coaching Programme
Using my 13 years professional experience in Equine Physio, Rehab, Spinal Therapy and Training, combined with 40 years experience of horse ownership, and 20 years experience in personal development, AND my Mindset Coaching qualification and expertise, I’m going to teach you everything I know about
how to retrain your energy and mindset
to get more enjoyment and fun from the time you spend with your horse.
...so when we are in negative thought spirals, catastrophising, in overwhelm, anxious, distracted, and in a negative mind chatter with/about our horse, guess what happens…yep, you guessed it, there’s a strong possibility of things not going well.
On the other hand, if we are in a positive state of mind, grounded, optimistic, confident, looking for and finding the positives in every moment, and therefore
ENJOYING every interaction with our horse, the whole scenario is MUCH LIGHTER!
And your horse will feel this and react to this shift in you! It then becomes fun, encouraging, we feel relaxed, confident and motivated to actually get back to riding and choosing to enjoy our horses! It’s like lifting a huge weight off our shoulders!
Week 1
The secrets to create an open channel of TRUST, relaxation and clear communication with your horse! Breath exercises, grounding, scanning and clearing your energy, creating INSTANT results with your horse!
Week 2
How to get control of your thoughts so you can step into REAL positivity and deeper CONNECTION with your horse!The combination of mindset work AND connection exercises is a SUPER CHARGED formula!!
Week 3
How to gain CLARITY…clear the overwhelm around TIME and MOTIVATION (yes these ARE mindset issues!!) making the whole horse ownership experience effortless and enjoyable!
Week 4
How to create a lighter, more positive frame of mind, so that you can enjoy EVERY interaction and CONNECTION with your horse!! No disappointment, frustration or negative thoughts creeping in…we are going to blast through all of that so that you YES YOU can step into positivity EASILY!
Week 5
The simple techniques to create a gratitude practice around your horse…how and why…to retrain your brain to the positives!
Week 6
How to bring it all together to literally raise your vibration and allow in a whole new, more intimate connection with your horse where you deeply TRUST each other!
What you will get...
Tailor made support with me inside 6 weeks of intimate group coaching combining my skills as a qualified mindset coach, and 13 years as an Equine Physio, Rehab, and Spinal Therapist
Intimate group, so that you get my individual attention
Easy to access online training modules
6 x pre recorded 30 minute transformational training videos with easy to action steps, that you can fit into your day and watch at anytime
1 hour LIVE and interactive Q&A and coaching session on zoom each week
Opportunities to ask questions
Opportunities to jump into the “hot seat” on the call for live coaching
Facebook group for chat in between sessions
I have been working professionally with horses as an Equine Physio, Rehab Specialist, Spinal Therapist and Trainer for 13 years, including running 2 rehabilitation yards. And I've written for equestrian magazines such as the Horse & Hound!
Prior to that I had a successful career in IT recruitment for 20 years, running my own business ultimately! I have studied and applied mindset improvement techniques for a long time, have undertaken various types of personal development over the last 20 years, and more recently formalised this with a Mindset Coaching certification where I learnt even more about applying these techniques for long lasting results, and
I’m bringing it all to you in this UNIQUE programme for horse owners!!
Horse ownership has its ups and downs, and I’ve discovered that our MINDSET is HUGE and affects day to day interactions with our horses, and forward progress, and that any difficulties with them can weigh on us like a ton of bricks, and this negatively affects our whole day and work, and our relationships in our life, as we are preoccupied and overthinking.
My methods of reframing the disappointment of rehab, breaking down the rehab process into positive steps, how to look for the improvements every day in your horse, and finding ways to create positivity in every session FOR YOU AND YOUR HORSE is my super power, and I’m going to show you just how powerful this can be for you too.
When you step into a more positive thinking state of mind, your horse feels this shift and can become more grounded, more relaxed, and more in tune with you and the exercise / training session. It’s like creating the space for them to be their very best good boy / girl ! And believe me THIS MAKES A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE to working with your horse, particularly as you go through rehab.
I’m looking forward to guiding you through what you need to know to become more motivated, to plan and prioritise your time with your horse, make shifts in your mindset, and to step into confidence, so that you can get back to feeling excited about your horse plans, and enjoy your time and activities with your horse - all by applying some simple yet super effective daily strategies.
Sign up for Equine Connection Mastery today and start your journey toward a deeper, more trusting partnership with your horse.
"This has been amazing"
"This mindset coaching has been amazing! I highly recommend it for anyone struggling with fear, anxiety, or just mental blocks in general, keeping you from living their best life with your horse. The exercises Jenny teaches are so simple and very powerful. I have found numerous times since beginning the course where they have helped me even apart from my horses. I am excited to continue the work Jenny has offered us through this course and am experiencing a huge shift in the way I see things which is impacting my relationship with my horses and the people around me. Thank you so much Jenny for your compassion and dedication to horses and the people who are fortunate enough to have you in their lives."
- Caryn Parli
"Life changing work"
“Thank you Jenny for sharing this life changing work with us. I was very low, had so may fears and doubts, didn't want to ride or even work with Finn on any level, Lord forbid I had even contemplated parting with my cheeky little friend.
There have been so many light bulb moments, some tears, many WOW moments and huge shifts in negativity and thought processes. This truly is a game changer, and we can go on growing and strengthening our relationships with our horses with the effects reaching out into all areas of our lives. Great course, great people, truly grateful to have you on my journey, thank you"
- Sharon Ford
"I now see the positives"
Having just completed the mindset course with Jenny I would like to tell everyone thinking of attending to go ahead and do it - you and your horse won’t regret it. Jenny has many tools available for you to consider, practise and embed into your daily/ weekly routine.
She teaches you how to train your brain to reset on a new positive and more confident track so that your horse benefits. Instead of worrying about my horse a lot of the time I now have learned to see and dwell on the positives and to visualise the outcomes I want to have.
I hope everyone benefits as much as I have from Jenny’s thorough, well resourced course.
- Anna Maria
Clear the blocks in the way of your progress and connection with your horse: develop a daily breathwork practice, learn powerful mindset tools and techniques, and learn how to apply breath and grounding exercises with your horse: this is a powerful and life changing programme!!
Save money by paying in full!
6 x 30 minute transformational training videos: published week by week
Tools, techniques and exercises for you and your horse
6 x 1 hour group coaching sessions on zoom
Access members group for duration of programme
Don't worry, all sessions will be recorded, so you won't miss anything. And you can submit your questions to the group ahead of the Q&A.
Yes you can pay in full or pay in instalments
Just 30 minutes for the training each week, and 1 hour for the live Q&A session per week for this transformative programme!
And just a few minutes per day to practice techniques.
Any horse owner struggling with fears, overwhelm, constant negative thoughts and feelings about/with your horse, stuckness, lack of motivation.
YES absolutely, the training is designed with you in mind. I know how mentally and emotionally difficult it is getting through rehab with your horse, and the strategies will help you to master your mindset and feel more positive.
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