Improve your horses posture, core strength, crookedness, and your connection

With Jenny Adamson, Equine Physiotherapist & Rehabilitation Specialist

mindset and energy with your horse

Are your mindset and energy in tune with your horse?

July 22, 20242 min read

Good question isn’t it?!

The further I go in my work with myself and with horses, I have learnt so much about connection, disconnection, energy (ours and theirs), and how our thoughts can create either positive or negative outcomes directly.

And it all works together…your mindset, your predominant thoughts, your energy, your emotional state, all combine and this is what your horse picks up and ‘reads’ every moment they are with you.

And what your horse reads creates their response to you (or not). 

One of the massive things I have learnt through the last 4 years of breathwork practice and training, mindset training, and personal development, is that when things are going ‘wrong’ around me, I take a look AT MYSELF.

So instead of going into external blame mode, I look at how my own energetic state, thoughts or feelings, may be creating the issue. If I’m rushing with my horse, or in a low mood, irritable, sad, telling myself negative stories etc, all of this impacts the horse, they sense it all, and it creates feelings of unsafety for them, which in turn shows up as unresponsive, resistant or difficult behaviour in the horse.

Learning ways to stabilise and ground your energy, and ways to improve your negative mindset, creates a huge shift with your horse - you can literally step onto the same wavelength as your horse, offering them a calm, relaxed, appreciative, grounded space to work together, so whether you’re rehabbing, training, or anything else with your horse, taking responsibility for your side of the equation creates big changes for your horse, and therefore the partnership that can evolve!

Imagine if you were being trained by someone on a daily basis, and their mindset and energy was negative…negative words, no motivation, no appreciation, disappointment coming towards you, etc, how would that feel?? There’s no way you would want to give your best or even continue working together!

Then imagine the opposite, you’re training towards something, and your trainer feels light, energetic, relaxed, confident, supportive, motivating, HOW THAT WOULD FEEL?! Completely different!

This is a good example to remember with horses…they pick up on all of these layers of thoughts, feelings, energy. They are not robots, and are extremely sensitive, and once you start making changes to your mindset and energy you will get different responses from your horse literally from day 1, as they pick it up instantly, it’s exciting work to do!!

***If you would like to learn some breath, grounding and mindset exercises to stabilise your energy and improve your communication and connection with your horse, check out my 'Breath & Grounding Exercises' online course! CLICK HERE for the details! 

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