Improve your horses posture, core strength, crookedness, and your connection

With Jenny Adamson, Equine Physiotherapist & Rehabilitation Specialist

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Are your mindset and energy in tune with your horse?

Are your mindset and energy in tune with your horse?By: Jenny Adamson Published on: 22/07/2024

The further I go in my work with myself and with horses, I have learnt so much about connection, disconnection, energy (ours and theirs), and how our thoughts can create either positive or negative outcomes directly.

Equine Connection
Are your mindset and energy in tune with your horse?

Improving your connection with your horse

Improving your connection with your horseBy: Jenny Adamson Published on: 15/07/2024

Your connection with your horse is one of those 'intangible' things isn't's a massive part of horse ownership and affects everything we do with them! If our connection isn't that good, consistent or trusting, we can just end up feeling like we're not good enough, it's all an uphill struggle, there's no real enjoyment in what you're doing with your horse, and it's either mechanical, all a chore, or you just don't want to do it.

Equine Connection
Improving your connection with your horse

Worst case scenario thinking

Worst case scenario thinkingBy: Jenny Adamson Published on: 28/05/2024

Do you find that whenever issues arise with or around your horse, your brain goes straight to the WORST possible outcome?? And you can't think clearly or logically in those moments, it's like something takes over your brain?? And the feelings that come along with the worst case scenario thinking are heavy and negative, maybe even staying with you for long periods of time afterwards?

Equine Connection
Worst case scenario thinking

Developing trust with your horse

Developing trust with your horseBy: Jenny Adamson Published on: 08/04/2024

I work with horse owners who are struggling with fear, anxiety, negative thoughts and feelings, overwhelm, procrastination, and feeling like they have fallen out of love with horse ownership.

Equine Connection Mindset
Developing trust with your horse


How to improve your horses posture and crookedness!

Learn more about your horses body and movement, and how to unlock your horses ability and wellness in this mini course!

Click below for the details...

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