Improve your horses posture, core strength, crookedness, and your connection

With Jenny Adamson, Equine Physiotherapist & Rehabilitation Specialist

horse rider mindset

What you tell yourself becomes your reality

June 10, 20242 min read

There's an excellent quote that I share regularly in my trainings, ebooks, courses etc, that I think really helps to crystallise where you are with your mindset...

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right! 

Read it a second really is impactful, and especially in connection with our horses. 

If you have a negative mindset, you tell yourself negative stories and words continually, tell yourself you can't do xyz, creating fear and anxiety in your body, the likelihood of everything going great is really low, as you are vibrating on a low, negative level. 

On the other hand, if you have a strong, positive mindset, you are confident, affirming that you CAN do xyz, the likelihood of everything going great is so much higher!! 

What we believe about ourselves can be really deceptive, stemming from very early in life, so we can be operating in adulthood with warped views about ourselves, repeating stories and statements that aren't even true, they are just well set in, the neural pathway (information highway!) is strong and well practised.

One of the first steps I encourage my clients to do, if they want to improve their mindset, is to listen to what they are saying to themselves on a daily basis. Awareness of your thoughts is the first step to being able to change them to the positive. 

And we then work together to create new neural pathways in the brain, to rewrite the negative thoughts that have been established. It's a super powerful process. 

So instead of telling yourself you're not good enough, your horse is too good for you/too spooky/not right for you/etc, or you won't be able to do xyz, or you can't do xyz, by choosing to work on your mindset, your DEFAULT thoughts and feelings become...I CAN DO THIS, or THIS WILL BE FUN, or WE ARE GOOD AT THIS, or I'M SO EXCITED TO DO..., or I CAN'T WAIT TO LEARN HOW TO ...

It does take some specific work to 'install' these new beliefs, but like the title of this blog...what you tell yourself daily becomes your reality. When you separate out the thoughts and beliefs that aren't actually true, and create new ones that are true, your reality reflects the new positive version of you! It's really quite magical! 

If you're ready to do this work, CLICK HERE to select one of the ways to work together to transform your mindset and your connection with your horse, I would absolutely LOVE to support you with this shift! OR check out my Equine Connection Mastery online course, where you can do a mindset and energy reset by working through the steps in this powerful training course...CLICK HERE for the details!

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